Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Please click link to see presentation:

Presenter: Dirk van Ginkel (08030995)
Voice-over: Deren Kizilgoz (09045201)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dirk,

    The voice-over as well as your own voice was really clear and calm in the video with enough silences. I liked the way you started the video by taking a look at the different views of people when they think of cyber communities. You explained subjects such as globalization in an informative manner by the use of music, videos and the voice-over.

    The only comments I have is that you used too much video material of people protesting. After seeing 3 different videos of people protesting it became a little bit boring. The ending of your presentation came a little bit as a surprise as I expected something more to come (min. 4.40) and I think it’s too much to end a video by looking for more than 1 minute to the same moving images.


    Sabina Becirovski
